Thursday, July 23

Let's Party

Hey friend~
this saturday is our party night
you free that night?
I'm talking to you

tell me if you are free
YOU have been invited to come for the party by this post
currently I'm super dupper buzy
so I cant calling by 1 person to 1 person
very sry~
anyone saw this post or u want to party
leave me a comment yah
hope to see all my reader
and meet all my friend in this coming soon party night

TIME: 7pm-11pm
PLACE: Kepong 卫新市sunday psr mlm 的酒楼
MIN ENQUIRY: I'm your friend /you know me


here some photo about few days ago my friend b'day party

acctually I'm quite enjoy the feel of helping ppl who are DRUNK
or act like drunk
really wonderful to help
I'm happy with my life

End with photo^^
night night

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