Saturday, August 6

苹果iPhone 5 即将来袭 =)

iPhone 5 Release Date might be most buzzing topic among tech geeks. Each day is rising with a new rumor or a speculative guess about iPhone 5 launch date. CNET UK, a top internet review site for electronics, has grabbed attention of the techies posting update on iPhone 5 release date.

According to CNET UK, iPhone 5 release date is likely to be September 7th 2011. We guess this is the first exact date prediction about launch of the next generation iPhone.


苹果 iphone5相较iphone 4硬件方面会有大幅度提升。外形更加轻薄,屏幕尺寸会提升至4.0英寸,面板仍然是Retina材质,分辨率应该不会有太明显变化。而大家期待已久的白色版本iphone4至今未见上市,iphone5应该会推出黑白两色同时上市。CPU会采用即将推出的ios5处理器,性能会有大幅度提升,同样也会有更多新增功能,如摄像头提升至800W、3D图形处理能力改善、支持FLASH以及电池续航时间更长等等,总之值得期待。^^

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