Today i would like to share a hair style to my dear reader
that's call 'French Twist'
When you're in need of an elegant hairstyle,
try the classic French twist.
It's a common sight at proms and weddings,
but you can also put it up more loosely for a casual look,
not unlike a messy bun..
The Classic Formal Do - The French Twist If you have your heart set on wearing a Twist and have short hair, you can always "cheat" a little and pin on home hair and use your own hair to cover the "add-on" twist.
The Twist can be dressed up or down, worn high or flat, adorned with flowers, pearls or curls and can be modified to look good with just about any face shape.
It's a wonderful style for instantly dressing up a wedding or a formal event.
I have always found it difficult to explain to anyone how to do a French Twist.
If you have never down a French Twist on yourself, I strongly recommend that you have a friend or stylist do the first couple of Twists for you.
Watch closely and then when you feel comfortable, you can practice doing the Twist on your own hair.
There is the basic French Twist which is a simple hair updo twist. With some practice and visualization and a good mirror, anyone with medium to long hair can do a Twist to their own hair.
There is also the very complicated types of French Twists where the hair is divided into multiple sections and many different types of pins and swirls and curls are added.
I have never been able to pull one of these off by myself. Maybe you will be able to, but generally it is best to have a friend or hairstylist help you with the more complicated updos. At least until you get the hang of it.
① Brush your hair so it's all on one side.
② Use grips or pins at the back of your hair to hold it in place, so that the hair remains leaning towards one side.
③ Apply hairspray all over your hair.④ Place your hand underneath the hair and brush it very gently (keeping it at the side; don't dislodge the pins).
⑤ Wrap the hair around your thumb and twist it up into a cone shape, holding it secure with your other fingers.
Wrap it around your thumb
and twist it like this
⑥ Insert big pins to hold the hair in place. Have them point to the middle.
⑦ Tuck the ends inside the cone. Use pins as needed to hold the ends in place, out of sight.
⑧ Use a bristle brush to neaten the style and use hairspray to hold the twist together.
⑨ Done. Check out the new style! _1232431471537_331.png)